



ZAD is an architecture design studio, founded by He Peiyun in Hangzhou in 2013. Our practice involves Urban design, Architecture design, Landscape design, Interior design. We currently focus on urban renewal and refurbishment on small-scale space. Collaborating with talents with different expertise, we approach existing problems from a spatial perspective, analyze and research on different strategies and respond to the question with space. We believe, under contemporary society environment undergoing profound changes, space is still the major force building and changing the way people lives. Through architecture, we hope, people could rekindle the passion and love for life.





He Peiyun, the founder of ZAD, graduated from the Department of Architecture in Tianjin University; then practiced in rural design and planning for several years and founded the ZAD in 2013. The studio focuses on the contemporary lifestyles; explores a modern expression based on indigenous culture and search for the oriental sentiment beyond symbol and form.       



  • 2021"U型别墅“获IAI全球设计奖金奖,传承与创新建筑
  • 2021"U型别墅“获IAI全球设计奖银奖,翻新类空间
  • 2020中都建筑入选2020年AD100 YOUNG(中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计新锐)
  • 2019“U型别墅”获“美国IDA国际设计奖”,翻新类建筑大奖
  • 2021”Arch decoration" won IAI gold award/ Inheritance and Innovative Architecture
  • 2021”U-shaped villa" won IAI Silver Award/ Commercial Space
  • 2020ZAD won AD100 YOUNG,The 100 Most Talented Young Architects and Interior Designers in China 2020 award
  • 2023"U-shaped villa" won International Design Awards (IDA)/ Architecture Categories/ Renovation/ Bronze